Mew - définition. Qu'est-ce que Mew
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Qu'est-ce (qui) est Mew - définition

Mew (disambiguation); MEW

Basically another verb meaning to vomit, spew, chuck. Can also be used as a noun.
1. Last night after a few too many brews I didn't feel too well and mewed.
2. Sometimes when you're sick, you have to have a mew.
·vi To cry as a cat.
II. Mew ·noun The common cry of a cat.
III. Mew ·vt To shut up; to Inclose; to confine, as in a cage or other inclosure.
IV. Mew ·noun A gull, ·esp. the common British species (Larus canus); called also sea mew, maa, mar, mow, and cobb.
V. Mew ·vi To cast the feathers; to Molt; hence, to change; to put on a new appearance.
VI. Mew ·vt To shed or cast; to Change; to Molt; as, the hawk mewed his feathers.
VII. Mew ·noun A cage for hawks while mewing; a coop for fattening fowls; hence, any inclosure; a place of confinement or shelter;
- in the latter sense usually in the plural.
VIII. Mew ·noun A stable or range of stables for horses;
- compound used in the plural, and so called from the royal stables in London, built on the site of the king's mews for hawks.
¦ verb (of a cat or gull) make a characteristic high-pitched crying noise.
¦ noun a mewing noise.
ME: imitative.
mew2 Falconry
¦ noun a cage or building for trained hawks, especially while they are moulting.
¦ verb
1. (of a trained hawk) moult.
2. confine (a moulting trained hawk) to a mew.
3. (often mew someone up) confine in a restricting place or situation.
ME: from OFr. mue, from muer 'to moult', from L. mutare 'to change'.



Mew(s) may refer to:

Exemples de prononciation pour Mew
1. Its mew, or is a purr, a harsh grate of improbable survival,
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Exemples du corpus de texte pour Mew
1. The importance of MEW for consumption is hotly debated among economists.
2. Mew marble casings to the staircase have also been removed to reveal pink wall marble.
3. George Buckley at Deutsche Bank said whatever the importance of MEW, its slowdown pointed to further restrained consumption growth.
4. When he landed, he let out a surprised "mew?" I retracted the breadboard and closed the window.
5. Peter Mew, senior mastering engineer at Abbey Road studios, said: ‘Record companies are competing in an arms race to make their album sound the ‘loudest‘. ‘The quieter parts are becoming louder and the loudest parts are just becoming a buzz.‘ Mr Mew, who mastered David Bowie‘s classic 1'70s albums, warned that modern albums now induced nausea.